
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Is it FAKE or REAL?

Tell the difference between fake and real emails IE fishing.

Today in Totara class we were working with our cyber smart teacher whaea Donna she told us that we had to work in a pair so I partnered up with my best friend Lexi to fill out the side that whaea Donner had set up for my class.

1. We had to get a partner.
2. Then we had to fill out all the slides.
3. After that we had to submit our work.
4. Lastly we had to blog about it.

I Think that myself and Lexi could have done more on our explanation  on our Fake or Real slides.

Question: Are you participating in the manaikala program?

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Abstract Art

Find an artists style or an image you like and copy it.

Today in Tortara class we have been doing a lot of different styles of art like Still life, Jim Dine and M.C Escher but this is probably one of my favourites.

1. We had to Find an artists image that we liked.

2. Next we had to copy it onto our Pieces of paper.

3. Then we had to take a photo of our pieces of art and post them up on our blogs.

I really enjoyed creating this piece of art and hope Mr. Pickard
will let us do some more similar pieces of art during the term.

Something I could work on was trying not to rush my work when I get too exited.

(Question FOR EVERYONE: Who is your favourite artist?)

Monday, August 19, 2019


Create an fantastic Geometric art of M.C. Escher.

Today in Totara class we created art in the style of M.C Escher 

1. We had to watch some videos about M.C Escher.
2. Then we had to make a stencil to trace around out of card.
3. Next we had to trace the out line of our stencils on our paper.
4. After we had to draw different designs to fill in the blank space.
5. Finally we had to go over all the lines in vivid and colour it in.

I really enjoyed doing this style of art but I think next time I could use a different type of design for in the plank space were I have used diagonal lines.

Links to the other videos I used Tesselation Rules

(QUESTION: What type of design would you use on your M.C Escher art? )

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Photography Activity

W.A.L.T To Learn the different types of Camera shots 

 Today we learnt the different types of camera shots in our 
cyber smart lesson with Whaea Donna.

1. We had to take photos of our self and our partner. 
2. Then we had to insert our images on to our slides.
3. Next we had to explain the purpose of the photos we took.

For this Activity I worked with Lexi because we had to work in a group of two, It was much easier to work in a group of two because there could be one person to take the photo and one to pose for the picture.

I really enjoyed this activity and can't wait to do more photography
work with Whaea Donna. But one thing me and Lexi could have worked on was our lighting in our photos.

(Question: What type of style of photography do you prefer to use?)

Monday, August 5, 2019

JIm Dine Charcoal Art

 W.A.L.T Draw a tool in the style of Jim Dine. 

Today In Tortara class we've been drawing in the style of Jim Dine shown on my picture I drew two paint brushes one on top of the other  with a shadow made from charcoal. 

One of my favourite ways of using charcoal is for an objects shadow I think it gives the piece of art more depth in steed of there being just an object sitting on the page. 

I think I could work on my shading with charcoal so that it doesn't look like a black blob thing on the paper. 

I really enjoyed using the charcoal to make my piece of art.

(Question FOR EVERYONE: What do you like to use charcoal for when your doing art?)

Thursday, August 1, 2019


W.A.L.T : Planning a screencastify on how to attribute an image off google, how to use explore and the difference between the two.

How to attribute an image :
1. you need to search up an image in the search bar and press enter next you click on tools which is
under the search bar then you click on labelled for reuse and select an image there should be an image
that says visit beside it once you click o n it it should take you to a site  that shows the Author's name
source and licence.

How to get an image of Explore:
2. To get an image off explore you first you go to the bottom right hand corner and click on the little box with a star in the middle next you type in what image you want and click enter once you have an image you would like to insert on your page there should be a plus sign on the top right hand corner of your selected image click that and your image will be inserted on to your page.

The difference Between Google image and Explore images:
3. The difference between getting images off Explore and getting images off Google is that when you get images off google you need to search up the attributes so that you know if you can use the image or not but with using Explore you just have to insert the image without looking up the attribute.

I liked that that There was two different versions of inserting images into my work. and finding out how not to get copy write by the owner of the image I think that maybe next time I could find other ways to insert images onto my work I would love to hear your methods of inserting images.

(Question Time: Which one of these methods would you use to insert images on to your doc....ext ?)

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


use proportion and draw an accurate outline....

Today in Tortara class with Mr. Pickard we learnt how to draw forks and spoons with accurate proportions for Art. How I drew my drawing was I picked out a spoon and then drew 4 lines on my peace of paper to show the proportions then I started to draw one peace of my spoon.

 How I came to drawing using this Technic was my teacher Mr. Pickard  showed my class some pitchers of his daughters drawings where she used these lines to help her with getting her proportions right and that's what inspired me to start using this Technic. 

While I was drawing I thought to myself this isn't that bad when you have lines to help with drawing your object and know the right size of the object that your drawing so you get it right the first time.

( QUESTION TIME: What type of Technic do use like to use when your drawing? )

Rugby League Training 2019

W.A.L.T .......... Make a quality blog post about Rugby League.....

Every Wednesday we've been doing Rugby League Training with Kelly and Jim for the first Three weeks Kelly and Jim have taught us a lot of different ball skills to help us understand how to throw, hold and catch the ball on the 4th and 5th week Kelly and Jim made us play a game of Rugby League. At first I didn't really like it but the more we played I thought to myself that Rugby League isn't actually that bad and it was pretty fun being able to vs my friends at a sport we all were new too. Kelly and Jim announced that they were looking for three boys from our school to add to there Rugby League team for the national reps FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!! This is a big opportunity for the boys in my school and I hope that they all have a grate TIME!!!!  (QUESTION TIME: What would you do if you had the chance to go to Australia and train for the national reps FOR FREE!!!!)

Monday, June 24, 2019


W.A.L.T decide on our purpose for writing.
 My writing purpose it to entertain the audience. 

 1.Getting lost in the Dark forest. 

 2. Falling down a hole.

 3. Finding her way out.


(In the dark scary forest) 

 Dark shadows danced in the depths of the gloomy forest as Lilly wandered through the depths of the great shadowy land. Suddenly the stony path Lilly was following disappeared like the sun disappearing behind a cloud. Lilly couldn't seem to find the way back. The wistful wind sent chills running down her back,the wrath of the cold winter wind.But she wasn’t in her cozy room no she was in the middle of a dark cold scary forest.

 The forest was filled with dancing shadows that hollowed deep throaty growls throughout the whole blackness of the forest.

 “Don’t panic it's going to be ok” Lilly mumbled to herself as she crept along.
 All of a sudden the dull beam of light from Lilly’s torch flickered out of existence now she was surrounded in darkness like being trapped in a box in a six meter hole in the ground.

 The air around her became mysteriously thin, She felt that she could no longer breath. Panic shot through her as she struggled for air. As she Stumbled over a large tree root… Lilly fell down down down………. 


Friday, June 21, 2019

My Quality Blog Post Poster!!!!!!!!!!!

 Today I learnt how to create a quality blog post Poster to describe what is needed to created a quality post on our blogs in our cyber smart lesson with whaea Donna.

How I made my poster was i went into drive and clicked on google drawings i then used information from a side that whaea Donna had set up for my class to use as an info guide to help us with our posters.

 Whaea Donna explained why we need a title that will pop and make our readers want to read more of our posts she also explained why its good to have a question at the end of our posts the reason is because it will give our readers something to think of and something to comment about.

1. A title that POPS.
2. An intro that hooks readers in.
3. Your Reflection on what you learnt/accomplished.
4. Your Sources/where you got the information from
5. your D.L.O.
6. And a Question that will make your readers want to comment.

Today I learnt that the sources of your information is important because if you add the link to the photos or videos that you've used it proves to the readers that your not just copying someone else's work and saying its your's.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wolf Animation

This is an animation of a wolf running around the galaxy and then meets a goldfish the rest is for you to find out I have been working on this animation for a few weeks. I worked on this animation while I was doing cyber smart with whaea Donna who is our Manaiakalani Facilitato. I created this animation on google slides with png transparent images.While I have been doing this I have learnt how to get pictures a easier way instead of going to google and saving it and then pasting it the hard way,why not use the easy way. This is how you do it you click on tools button and then click explore and then on the side of that it will say search the web you click on search then you can search what ever you want and then you click the one you want and then push insert and their you go there is the picture.the reason we did the animation is it was to have some fun and learn some things. I have been doing it by myself but some people in my class help me to get the things that I want. Lexi helped me copy the tildes and find the png transparent images.