
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Rugby League Training 2019

W.A.L.T .......... Make a quality blog post about Rugby League.....

Every Wednesday we've been doing Rugby League Training with Kelly and Jim for the first Three weeks Kelly and Jim have taught us a lot of different ball skills to help us understand how to throw, hold and catch the ball on the 4th and 5th week Kelly and Jim made us play a game of Rugby League. At first I didn't really like it but the more we played I thought to myself that Rugby League isn't actually that bad and it was pretty fun being able to vs my friends at a sport we all were new too. Kelly and Jim announced that they were looking for three boys from our school to add to there Rugby League team for the national reps FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!! This is a big opportunity for the boys in my school and I hope that they all have a grate TIME!!!!  (QUESTION TIME: What would you do if you had the chance to go to Australia and train for the national reps FOR FREE!!!!)


  1. Hi Hinewai my name is Mikaire and I go to Paihia School. I was reading your post about Rugby League training with Kelly and Jim. I really liked how you added a question at the end and some photos so we could see what you where doing. I would go to train with a national team so I could get better at rugby league. If you had that opportunity would you go?
    Good bye and keep up the good posts.

  2. Hey Hinewai it’s Dezray from Paihia School, and I’m a Yr 6 in Te Ngahere. It's a great experience to play Rugby League. When it was my first time playing Rugby I was so scared to catch and to tackle but I did the same thing as you, I thought about it and it really was not that hard. I got brave more and more I played. Do you still enjoy playing rugby league?. Keep up the good work. Kakite
