
Monday, August 19, 2019


Create an fantastic Geometric art of M.C. Escher.

Today in Totara class we created art in the style of M.C Escher 

1. We had to watch some videos about M.C Escher.
2. Then we had to make a stencil to trace around out of card.
3. Next we had to trace the out line of our stencils on our paper.
4. After we had to draw different designs to fill in the blank space.
5. Finally we had to go over all the lines in vivid and colour it in.

I really enjoyed doing this style of art but I think next time I could use a different type of design for in the plank space were I have used diagonal lines.

Links to the other videos I used Tesselation Rules

(QUESTION: What type of design would you use on your M.C Escher art? )

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