
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Abstract Art

Find an artists style or an image you like and copy it.

Today in Tortara class we have been doing a lot of different styles of art like Still life, Jim Dine and M.C Escher but this is probably one of my favourites.

1. We had to Find an artists image that we liked.

2. Next we had to copy it onto our Pieces of paper.

3. Then we had to take a photo of our pieces of art and post them up on our blogs.

I really enjoyed creating this piece of art and hope Mr. Pickard
will let us do some more similar pieces of art during the term.

Something I could work on was trying not to rush my work when I get too exited.

(Question FOR EVERYONE: Who is your favourite artist?)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, My name is Sean and I am a learner from gisborne intermediate school.
    I like the picture you have chosen to draw.
